Design Overview

Visual Design Samples

My Brand (In Progress)

Taylor B. Dallas business card

In early 2024, I decided that I wanted to refine my brand identity. I’d had a name change and a career shift since I’d seriously sat down with my own brand, and I thought it might be a good exercise to develop my identity as a Figma component library. Of course, a design system needs a foundation, so I sought to define my brand. I chose the following goals:

Create a web presence and identity that exemplifies my empathy and passion for user experience (UX), user interface (UI), and visual design.

Empathy through:

  • connection with my teammates

  • connection with the audiences I reach

  • making my work as accessible as possible

Passion through:

  • the quality of my work

  • the ways I choose to express myself

  • the people I advocate for

I experimented with colors and landed on a blend of indigo and orange, carefully tested for good contrast and colorblind layouts. I tagged each color relative to their WCAG 2.0 level on a white background. Additionally, I leaned into using Work Sans for my type family, choosing weights that are easily visible at 16pt./1em.

So far, I’ve expanded the brand to my business cards, and I have more plans in the near future—including that Figma design system!

Taylor B. Dallas brand system

The Writing Center Journal

The Writing Center Journal | Left: book cover; example pages. Right: postcard-sized handout; business card

While working with the University of Oklahoma Writing Center, I had the pleasure of designing the look for the nationally-distributed Writing Center Journal, which was distributed across the U.S. for the calendar year. Starting with their logo, I created a template for the cover and interior pages, as well as some advertising and stationery.

OKC Pro Gaming

The Writing Center Journal | Left: book cover; example pages. Right: postcard-sized handout; business card

As a part of my undergraduate Visual Communication courses, I conceptualized a professional gaming organization called OKC (Oklahoma City) Pro Gaming. Among the content created, I generated a brand that stretched across advertisements and a website.